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Micron MR001c DSM2/DSMX Receiver for Land-Based Vehicles

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Micron MR001c 2.4GHz DSM2/DSMX Receiver

MR001c is a small (30 x 18 x 11mm) 8 output DSM2/DSMX compatible receiver for model railway use. It combines the features of the previous MR001a and MR001b receivers.

MR001c is suitable for use in live-steam and large battery electric locos. It can drive speed controllers, servos and LEDs (auto-directional lights and manually switched from the transmitter). The dimensions allow it to fit easily into many 32/45mm steam or diesel locomotives.

The voltage range is 3.45V to 8.4V so is best powered from a 4 or 5 cell NiMH battery for live-steam or from the 5V BEC speed controller output for battery electric locos. If you need to power from a single LiPo cell, a 5V or 6V booster may be used.

MR001c is compatible with all Micron model rail transmitters, with Deltang transmitters and Spektrum stick-type aicraft transmitters (e.g. DX6). Selecta is supported for use with Tx22 and Tx24 type transmitters. Selecta is disabled by default but easily enabled using the supplied jumper plug. MR001c must be bound to a transmitter before use and will automatically enter bind mode if a previously bound transmitter signal is not found within 5 seconds of switch on. A jumper plug placed across signal pins 5 & 7 will force MR001c into bind mode immediately after switch-on.

7 outputs are available at the front of the receiver using standard 0.1 inch pitch JR/Futaba pins and there are 3 outputs at the rear: one on a central JST-ZH socket and 2 on an optional Molex Picoblade socket. All outputs can be configured for servo or 0V/3.3V switched, the standard configuration provides 5 servo outputs and 2 directional LED outputs. (other configurations of servo and switched outputs can be provided to special order).

Weight: 4.5gm, dimensions: 30mm x 18mm x 11mm.

From: £25.00

Output Config:

The standard and alternative output pin configurations are described on the Configuration tab. MR001a outputs can be changed by programming.

Base Price: £ 25.00 Total Price: £ 25.00
Available soon, please email to register interest.

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