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Home > DCJST-SH | Molex Picoblade (1.25mm) | JST-ZH | JST-PH | Molex 2mm | JST-RCY | 1.27mm | AR6400/PKZ3352 | Power
DC Power Connectors and Leads
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A DC 2.5mm/0.7mm socket. Although designed for PCB mounting, the socket can be fixed by gluing the front into a mounting plate.
A DC 2.5mm/0.7mm plug.
A chassis mount DC 5.5mm/2.1mm socket.
A chassis mount DC 5.5mm/2.1mm plug with a 10mm shaft.
DC power 5.5mm plug adaptors for converting between 2.1mm and 2.5mm centre pins.
A 300mm long DC charge lead, 5.5mm/2.1mm plug at one end and 2 x 4mm plugs at the other end to connect into a charger.